4 September 2013

How to name your Blog?

HR Success Guide
Author: Gaurav Bahadur

Most of us are confused how to name our blog especially because it relates to our own identity, has wide variety of contents from different walks of life and has social as well as commercial aspect to it.

Here is a simple exercise that will help you choose the name of your blog. Keep in mind that there are three parts required to name a blog. We need to identify these three parts before we start with naming our blog.

Part I (Name): To whom this blog belongs to?
This is the name of the person or the group initiating the blog. You will have one of the two answers to this question [My Name] or a nice name of your group [Group Name].

Part II (Purpose): What’s the purpose of this blog?
If it’s about just everything coming to your mind, think of a [Nice Funny Name] else be precise what you are going to write about for example [Fashion Designing] or [Human Resources].

If it’s about more than two subjects like your job and your hobby you have to figure out which of these two is going to be the major subject you are going to write about. The [Major Subject] will be your Part II and for the time being let go the minor subject as it will confuse you.

Part III (Keyword): Any specific word to be used?
Use of certain words in your Blog title for example [Blog], [Partners], [Project], [Services] etc.

The blog name has to be structured as follows:
Blog Name = Part [I] + [II] + [III]
Blog Name = [Name] + [Purpose] + [Keyword]

Example 1: Highlight Name
Blog Name = [Penelope Trunk] + [HR] + [Commercial Blog]
Blog Name = [Highlight Name] + [Ignore] + [Ignore]
Blog Name = [Penelope Trunk] + [X] + [X]
Blog Name = Penelope Trunk (PenelopeTrunk.com)
Similar Examples: Tom Peters (TomPeters.com), Lisa Rosendahl (LisaRosendahl.com)

Example 2: Highlight Purpose
Blog Name = [Sharlyn Lauby] + [HR] + [Commercial Blog]
Blog Name = [Ignore] + [Highlight Purpose] + [Ignore]
Blog Name = [X] + [Related to HR] + [X]
Blog Name = HR Bartender (HRBartender.com)
Similar Examples: Success in HR (SuccessinHR.com) by Alan Collins, Unconventional HR (UnconventionalHR.com) by Kimberly Patterson

Example 3: Highlight Name and Purpose
Blog Name = [Marshall Goldsmith] + [Books] + [Commercial Blog]
Blog Name = [Highlight Name] + [Related to Books] + [Ignore]
Blog Name = [Marshall Goldsmith] + [Library] + [X]
Blog Name = Marshall Goldsmith Library (MarshallGoldsmithLibrary.com)
Similar Examples: Norton Folgate The Recruiting Unblog (RecruitingUnblog.com), Lisa Petrilli Visionary Leadership (LisaPetrilli.com)

Example 4: Highlight Name and Keyword
Blog Name = [Tim Sackett] + [HR] + [Commercial Project]
Blog Name = [Highlight Name] + [Ignore] + [Highlight Keyword]
Blog Name = [Tim Sackett] + [X] + [Project]
Blog Name = The Tim Sackett Project (TimSackett.com)
Similar Examples: Smart Blogs from Smart Brief (SmartBlogs.com)

Need help to decide your blog name? Drop us a comment with your concern and we will help you out.

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HR Success Guide

Blog Keywords

HR, Success Guide, HR Guide, HR Success, Human Resources, Top HR Blog, HR Leadership Blog, Best HR Blog, Most Awarded HR Blog, Human Resource Management, Leadership
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